Jade, a precious green stone said to transmit wisdom and clarity, is the modern symbol for Purist Audio Design’s 35th Anniversary. Purist Audio Design, celebrating over 35 years in High End Audio, crafted the Jade line based on decades in product design. A sophisticated entry level into the Diamond Revision, Jade is our first step toward the advancement of the latest in technology and metallurgy. With the Jade line you will find a tremendous energy, clarity, and passion with your music, rounding out your audio system. It offers ultimate flexibility, making it easy to work with in tight set-ups like the previous Vesta and the Genesis lines, but with improved musicality.
All Jade cables come packaged in a handsome soft case.
Jade Interconnect Technical Specifications
Conductors OFC
Metals Cu
Shielding Aluminum Mylar
Dielectric Material Polypropylene
gauge (effective) 20 AWG
Dampening Material N/A
Capacitance 30 pF/FT (pin to shield)
Resistance 0.2876 Ω/m (conductor)
Estimated Break-In Time 100 Hours
Cable Diameter 1/4″ OD
Connector Type Purist RCA & Purist Modified XLR
Material Treatment Triple (3x) Cryomag©